Thor 4 Director Debunks Love & Thunder Poster Leak

 Thor: Love and Thunder director Taika Waititi debunks a recent "leaked" poster doing the rounds on social media in a humorous fashion.

Thor: Love and Thunder director Taika Waititi has shot down previous reports of a leaked poster showing new costumes for Jane Foster, Thor, and Korg. Waititi, who reinvigorated the Thor franchise with his unique comedic take on 2017’s Thor: Ragnarok, has returned to the director’s seat for Chris Hemsworth’s fourth solo outing as the MCU’s Asgardian God of Thunder and Avenger. Following her absence in RagnarokLove and Thunder will also see the return of Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster to the franchise, alongside Tessa Thompson’s Valkyrie.

Social media was recently abuzz with the revelation of a leaked poster featuring Portman, Hemsworth, and Waititi’s Korg all wearing updated costumes. The artwork also features Thompson’s Valkyrie and, most curiously, a pair of goats pulling what appears to be an Asgardian ship with all four characters aboard. While the goats refer to Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr, the animals which pull Thor’s chariot in the original Norse mythology, in Marvel comic lore, they are more commonly referred to as Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder. Previous set photos have already teased the appearance of Thor’s mystical goats in the upcoming film.

While it did not take long at all for this suspicious poster to spread like wildfire across the internet, Waititi has stepped in to debunk the idea the image is an official piece of artwork. With his trademark humor in-tact, Waititi shared a now-deleted Tweet of the image with the caption, “This is so bad that I kinda wish it was an official poster. It’s definitely what I would have done if I was in charge of posters”. Check out his Tweet and a copy of the original poster “leak” below via RPK:

While Waititi is certainly correct in asserting that the poster is not up to the high-quality one would normally expect from Marvel Studios, the poster’s off-beat tone certainly matches Waititi’s own creative sensibilities. Were it for any other MCU film from any other director, fans probably would have been much quicker to dismiss the poster as a fake, but with Waititi, audiences never really know what to expect. As per the director’s own tongue-in-cheek words, “it’s definitely what I would have done if I was in charge of posters.”

Of course, this certainly isn’t the first time fans have been fooled by a piece of fan art posing as the genuine article, nor is it likely to be the last. Over the years, MCU fans have been provided with an array of artwork and leaked behind-the-scenes shots, which have all proven to be misleading. Even as far back as 2007, Marvel Studios were dealing with fake Iron Man posters posing as genuine artwork. Thankfully, Waititi seems to take this latest Thor: Love and Thunder effort with nothing but good humor.


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